Originally released as a motion picture in 2016. Based upon Capcom's videogame "Resident Evil." Widescreen (2.40:1). Special features: Retaliation mode; Sneak peek: Resident evil: Vendetta; Stunts & weaponry; Explore the hive; The bad ass trinity & the women of Resident evil. Board of Film Censors, Singapore : NC16 (violence) MPAA rating: R; for sequences of violence throughout. CHV rating: 14A; for extreme violence, frightening scenes. Director of photography, Glen MacPherson ; editor, Doobie White ; music, Paul Haslinger. Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter, Shawn Roberts, Ruby Rose, Eoin Macken, Fraser James, Rola, Lee Joon Gi, William Levy, Iain Glen. English, French, Spanish, Thai or Portuguese dialogue; Indonesian, Spanish, French, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Thai, Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin, Malay or English subtitles; subtitled for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH); described video.