Superman created by Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster. Originally released as a motion picture in 1980. Special features (Disc 1): movie with commentary by executive producer Ilya Salkind and producer Pierre Spengler ; 'Superman's soufflâe ; deleted scenes ; theatrical trailer ; scene selections ; interactive menus. Special features (Disc 2): vintage TV specials 'The making of Superman II' and 'Superman 50th anniversary' ; 'First flight: the Fleischer Superman series' featurette; 8 1940s famous studios 'Superman' cartoons ; mastered from Superior Vault Elements : 'Japoteurs', 'Showdown', 'Eleventh hour', 'Destruction, Inc.', 'The mummy strikes', 'Jungle drums', 'The underground world' and 'Secret agent' ; intereactive menus. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG. Directors of photography, Bob Paynter ; production designer, John Barry ; film editor, John Victor-Smith ; story, Mario Puzo ; music, Ken Thorne ; costume designers, Yvonne Blake & Susan Yelland. Gene Hackman, Christopher Reeve, Ned Beatty, Jackie Cooper, Sarah Douglas, Margot Kidder, Jack O'Halloran, Valerie Perrine, Susannah York, Clifton James, E.G. Marshall, Marc McClure, Terence Stamp. Dialogue in English, Spanish, Portuguese or Japanese, with optional subtitles in English, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese or Korean.