世界海战简史 / H. 帕姆塞尔原著 ; D.G. 史密斯英译 ; 屠苏, 龚同, 何祚译. Shi jie hai zhan jian shi / H. pa mu sai er yuan zhu ; D.G. shi mi si ying yi ; tu su, gong tong, he zuo yi.
Information About
原书名: A history of war at sea : an atlas and chronology of conflict at sea from earliest times to the present. 2. r. In Chinese.
世界海战简史 / H. 帕姆塞尔原著 ; D.G. 史密斯英译 ; 屠苏, 龚同, 何祚译. Shi jie hai zhan jian shi / H. pa mu sai er yuan zhu ; D.G. shi mi si ying yi ; tu su, gong tong, he zuo yi.