The laws of the Straits Settlements, v. 5 private ordinances revised up to and including the 31st day of December, 1925, edition of 1926

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The laws of the Straits Settlements,  v. 5 private ordinances revised up to and including the 31st day of December, 1925, edition of 1926

Information About

Bound volumes of the ordinances enacted in 1926. This volume contains Ordinance no. 208-239.

Other issues in the series

The acts and ordinances of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements, from the 1st April 1867 to the 1st June 1886, together with certain Acts of Parliament, Orders of Her Majesty in Council, letters patent, and Indian acts in force in the colony of the Straits Settlements. Vol. I
This revised edition of the Ordinances of the Colony covers certain acts of the Imperial Parliament, orders of her Majesty in Council, and letters patent, relating to the government or to the Supreme Court of the Colony of the Straits Settlements, the acts and ordinances of the Colony in force on the 1st day of June, 1886. It also contains an appendix of selected Indian Acts in force in the Colony as well as a chronological table enumerating all Acts and Ordinances passed by the Legislative Council from 1st April 1867 to 1st June 1886.
The acts and ordinances of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements, from the 1st April 1867 to the 7th March 1898. Vol. I
This book contains the acts and ordinances as they stood on 7th March 1898. It contains rules and orders made by the judges that are related to bankruptcy and civil matters, admiralty rules and regulations for preventing collisions at sea.

Additional Details

Straits Settlements
Straits Settlements--Laws, etc.
Waterlow & Sons, 1926
National Library Board Singapore, 1926
Government of Singapore
Digital Description
application/pdf, 20446 KB, 192 p.
Table of Contents
Tan Tock Seng's Hospital, Ordinance no. 211 -- Treasure of Presbyterian Church, Singapore, Ordinance no. 217 -- Banque de l'Indo-Chine, Ordinance no. 222 -- Bishop of Singapore, Ordinance no. 231 -- Chief Secretary to Government, Federated Malay States, Ordinance no. 232 -- East Asiatic Company Limited, Ordinance no. 233 -- Christian brothers' schools visitor, Ordinance no. 235 -- Colonial Secretary incorporation, Ordinance no. 239.
All rights reserved. Government of the Colony of the Straits Settlements, 1926