This publication is vol. 2 of a 5-vol. work on the laws of the Straits Settlements containing the ordinances ch. 42-89 covering civil law and procedure, professions and business, labour, posts and telegraphs, public officers and status.
v. 2. Index to the five volumes -- Title VI. Civil law and procedure. ch. 42. Civil law; ch. 44. Mental disorders; ch. 45. Bankruptcy; ch. 51. Probate and administration; ch. 57. Mohammedans; ch. 60. Public trustee -- Title VII. Professions and business. ch. 62. Advocates and solicitors; ch. 67. Midwives -- Title VIII. Labour. ch. 69. Labour ordinance; ch. 70. Workmen's compensation -- Title IX. Posts and telegraphs. ch. 71. Post office; ch. 72. Telegraphs -- Title X. Public officers. ch. 74. Chief Secretary, F.M.S.; ch. 78. Pensions; ch. 79. Widows' and orphans' pensions -- Title XI. Status. ch. 79. Christian marriage; ch. 84. Divorce; ch. 88. Hindu widows -- Index.
Rev. ed. 1936
All rights reserved. Government Printing Office, 1936