Proclamation by the Lieutenant-Governor dated 1st January 1823 -- Regulation, No. 1, entitled a Regulation for the Registry of Land at Singapore -- Regulation, No. II, for the Port of Singapore -- Regulation, No. III, entitled a Regulation for the establishment of a Provincial Magistracy and the Enforcement of a due and efficient Police at Singapore with certain Provisions for the Administration of Justice in cases of Emergency -- Regulation, No. IV, entitled a Regulation for prohibiting Gaming-houses and Cockpits, and for surpressing the vice of Gaming at Singapore -- Regulation, No. V, entitled a Regulation for the Prevention of the Slave-trade at Singapore -- Regulation, No. VI, entitled a Regulation of furtherance of the Objects of Regulation No. III, of 1823, and containing additional provisions for the Magistracy and Administration of Justice at Singapore - with -- Appendix A. Rules for the Regulation of the Resident's Court -- Appendix B. Rules for the Magistrates' Court.
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