In this exciting new feature, you can use points collected in your NLB Account to redeem and collect Book Bugs digital avatars on KidSpot in NLB Mobile app!
Book Bugs: Tales of Travellers digital avatars can be redeemed in your NLB Mobile app any time before your points expire on 1st April 2026.
Each digital avatar can be redeemed for 20 points.
Embark on an adventure to bring Book Bugs to Life!
1. Colour in a Book Bug character on the paper provided
2. Scan your coloured drawing
3. Watch them come to life on the projection wall at Central Public Library
4. Scan the QR code to save your drawing as digital art on KidSpot: Book Bugs in the NLB Mobile app
Join us on these dates & times:
The Submarine, Central Public Library
23 Feb 2025
11am – 1pm
2pm – 5pm
What is KidSpot in NLB Mobile app?
Where can I see my digital avatars?