1. Only individuals who have their own NLB library membership and with a myLibrary account are eligible to participate in this promotion. Anyone without an account can sign up here: https://account.nlb.gov.sg/
This means that non-individual membership types, such as the following, are excluded:
(i) DEAR Organisations;
(ii) DIYREAD@Community;
(iii) Institutional Borrowers.
2. “Physical book” refers to any physical library material, including magazines and audiovisual materials.
3. “eBook” refers to eBooks, eMagazines and eAudiobooks borrowed via one of these websites or apps:
(i) NLB Mobile app;
(ii) catalogue.nlb.gov.sg;
(iii) nlb.overdrive.com (NLB Collection only);
(iv) libbyapp.com/library/nlb or Libby app by Overdrive (NLB Collection only).
4. Points from borrowing of Physical books and eBooks
(a) Maximum daily points each patron may earn:
Physical books
16 points/day
8 points/day
Both Physical books and eBooks
24 points/day
(b) Points from all borrowed items will be credited within 24 hours from the time of borrowing (and not immediately upon borrowing).
5. Points from Online Quizzes
(a) There will be a monthly online quiz available on www.go.gov.sg/nlb-bookbugs from September 2024 to June 2025. Patrons will earn 4 points for 4-7 correct answers and 8 points for 8 correct answers.
(b) Maximum monthly points each patron may earn:
Quiz in English
8 points/month for all correct answers.
Minimum monthly points each patron may earn:
Quiz in English
4 points/month for 4-7 correct answers.
(c) Patrons can participate in a maximum of 1 quiz per month.
(d) Points will be awarded based only on scores for the first attempt by each patron in the monthly English quiz.
(e) Points earned from the online quizzes will be credited within 5 working days after the end of each month’s quiz period (e.g. for the quiz in June 2024, points will be credited by 5 July 2024, 2359 hours).
6. Redemption of points for Book Bugs cards
(a) Patrons redeem their points via the NLB Mobile app or NLB website. Please note that a QR code and 8-digit code (for those without a QR code reader) will be generated under Points and Rewards on your account page as well as sent to the email address registered with your account.
(b) Redemption for 1 card requires 4 points. Once you have clicked “Redeem”, 4 points will be deducted from your account.
(c) Patrons are to use the QR code(s) or 8-digit code(s) to collect their card(s) from the Book Bugs card machines located at all public libraries (except library@chinatown, library@orchard, Bukit Batok Public Library and Marine Parade Public Library) from 30 Aug 2024 to 30 June 2025, during library operating hours.
(d) All card redemptions at the libraries are while stocks last.