Originally released as a motion picture in 2004. Special features include: alternate ending with optional director's audio commentary; deleted scenes with optional director's audio commentary; "'National treasure' on location" making-of featurette; "The Knights Templar" featurette; "Treasure hunters revealed" featurette; "Riley's decode this!" featurette plus 3 puzzling challenges; opening scene animatic with optional director's audio commentary. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG. Director of photography, Caleb Deschanel ; art directors, Geoff Hubbard, Lawrence A. Hubbs ; editor, William Goldenberg ; music, Trevor Rabin ; costume designer, Judianna Makovsky ; production designer, Norris Spencer ; visual effects supervisors, Mitchell S. Drain, Marc Varisco. Nicolas Cage, Jon Voight, Harvey Keitel, Diane Kruger, Sean Bean, Justin Bartha, Christopher Plummer, David Dayan Fisher. English or dubbed French dialogue, French or Spanish subtitles; closed-captioned.