Fantastic 4. Antithesis / storytellers, Mark Waid & Neal Adams ; inker, Mark Farmer ; color artists, Laura Martin with Andrew Crossley ; letterer, VC's Joe Caramagna.


Information About

"Fantastic Four created by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby." "Contains material originally published in magazine form as Fantastic Four antithesis (2020) #1-4, X-Men (1963) #65 and Fantastic Four (1998) #60."

Fantastic 4. Antithesis / storytellers, Mark Waid & Neal Adams ; inker, Mark Farmer ; color artists, Laura Martin with Andrew Crossley ; letterer, VC's Joe Caramagna.
Adams, Neal, 1941- author.
"Legendary artist Neal Adams illustrates his first ever full-length Fantastic Four story - and FF legend Mark Waid is back to join him! An unstoppable meteor of unknown origin has just erupted from hyperspace - and unless the Fantastic Four can keep it from hitting Manhattan, millions will die! But worse is yet to come. Galactus has vanished - and only he has the power to defeat his Negative Zone equivalent, the mysterious Antithesis! The Silver Surfer leads Reed, Sue, Ben and Johnny on a mad race across the galaxy in search of the World-Eater - but if they fail, desperate times may call for desperate measures. Cosmic rays gave them their powers - but what will the Power Cosmic do to the FF?!"--Provided by publisher.
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