Based on a story by Tony Leech & Cory Edwards. Dolby Digital 5.1, anamorphic widescreen presentation 2.39:1, SDH. Originally released as a motion picture in 2013. Special features: view feature with commentary by director Cal Brunker; the making of Escape from planet Earth; alternate takes and deleted scenes; how to make an animated feature with director Cal Brunker; music featurettes with Delta Rae, Owl City and Cody Simpson. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG. Director of photography, Matthew A. Ward; animation director, Adam Wood; editors, Matthew Landon, Scott Winlaw; music, Aaron Zigman. Rob Corddry, Brendan Fraser, Sarah Jessica Parker, William Shatner, Jessica Alba, Jane Lynch, Craig Robinson, George Lopez, Sofia Vergara, Steve Zahn, Chris Parnell, Jonathan Morgan Heit and Ricky Gervais. In English with Spanish subtitles; English subtitles for the deaf and hearing impaired.