新加坡圣安德烈座堂华语教会十周年纪念刊 = Souvenir of the Tenth Anniversary of the Mandarin Congregation of St Andrew's Cathedral Singapore. Xin jia po sheng an de lie zuo tang hua yu jiao hui shi zhou nian ji nian kan = Souvenir of the Tenth Anniversary of the Mandarin Congregation of St Andrew's Cathedral Singapore.
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F200907cr. PPABOX52. PPAM908.
新加坡圣安德烈座堂华语教会十周年纪念刊 = Souvenir of the Tenth Anniversary of the Mandarin Congregation of St Andrew's Cathedral Singapore. Xin jia po sheng an de lie zuo tang hua yu jiao hui shi zhou nian ji nian kan = Souvenir of the Tenth Anniversary of the Mandarin Congregation of St Andrew's Cathedral Singapore.
Sheng an de lie zuo tang hua yu jiao hui bian ji wei yuan hui.