Originally released as a motion picture in 2018. Based on the 1954 screenplay by Moss Hart and the 1976 screenplay by John Gregory Dunne & Joan Didion and Frank Pierson. Based on a story by William Wellman and Robert Carson. Wide screen (2.4:1, 16x9). Special features: songs & performance not seen in theaters; the road to stardom: making A Star is Born; music videos. Board of Film Censors, Singapore : M18 (sexual scene and nudity). Director of photography, Matthew Libatique ; editor, Jay Cassidy ; music supervisors, Julia Michels, Julianne Jordan; production designer, Karen Murphy. Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper, Sam Elliott, Dave Chappelle, Anthony Ramos, Bonnie Somerville, Andrew Dice Clay, William Belli, Rafi Gavron. In English, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, or Russian; English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Chinese (complex & simplified), Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese (European), Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Thai & Turkish subtitles; English subtitled for the deaf and hard-of-hearing (SDH); English descriptive audio track for people with visual disabilities (DVS).