虚拟销售 : 网路时代的终极销售术 = Virtual selling / Thomas Siebel, Michael Malone 著 ; 译者, 黄治苹, 刘泗翰. Xu ni xiao shou : wang lu shi dai de zhong ji xiao shou shu = Virtual selling / Thomas Siebel, Michael Malone zhu ; yi zhe, huang zhi ping, liu si han.
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繁体字本. 原著副书名: Going beyond the automated saled force to achieve total sales quality. 2. r. In Chinese.
虚拟销售 : 网路时代的终极销售术 = Virtual selling / Thomas Siebel, Michael Malone 著 ; 译者, 黄治苹, 刘泗翰. Xu ni xiao shou : wang lu shi dai de zhong ji xiao shou shu = Virtual selling / Thomas Siebel, Michael Malone zhu ; yi zhe, huang zhi ping, liu si han.