我与中国的美丽邂逅 : 来华留学生讲述改革开放的中国 = My beautiful encounter with China: international students' stories on China's reform and opening-up / 教育部国际合作与交流司, 教育部留学服务中心编. Wo yu Zhongguo de mei li xie hou : lai Hua liu xue sheng jiang shu gai ge kai fang de Zhongguo = My beautiful encounter with China: international students' stories on China's reform and opening-up / Jiao yu bu guo ji he zuo yu jiao liu si, jiao yu bu liu xue fu wu zhong xin bian.
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Parallel text in Chinese and English. 中英对照.
我与中国的美丽邂逅 : 来华留学生讲述改革开放的中国 = My beautiful encounter with China: international students' stories on China's reform and opening-up / 教育部国际合作与交流司, 教育部留学服务中心编. Wo yu Zhongguo de mei li xie hou : lai Hua liu xue sheng jiang shu gai ge kai fang de Zhongguo = My beautiful encounter with China: international students' stories on China's reform and opening-up / Jiao yu bu guo ji he zuo yu jiao liu si, jiao yu bu liu xue fu wu zhong xin bian.
Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, editor.