水浒传. 貳, 打虎英雄 / 施耐庵, 罗贯中著 ; John and Alex Dent-Young译. Shui hu zhuan. Er, Da hu ying xiong / Shi Nai'an, Luo Guanzhong zhu ; John and Alex Dent-Young yi.
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上海图书馆赠新加坡国家图书馆管理局 [B26060286H]. . Donated by Shanghai Library [B26060286H]. . Parallel text in Chinese and English. 汉英对照.
水浒传. 貳, 打虎英雄 / 施耐庵, 罗贯中著 ; John and Alex Dent-Young译. Shui hu zhuan. Er, Da hu ying xiong / Shi Nai'an, Luo Guanzhong zhu ; John and Alex Dent-Young yi.
Luo, Guanzhong, approximately 1330-approximately 1400, author. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n80131226. http://viaf.org/viaf/88036689.