The Eastern seas, or, Voyages and adventures in the Indian Archipelago, in 1832-33-34 : comprising a tour of the Island of Java-visits to Borneo, the Malay Peninsula, Siam, etc; also an account of the present state of Singapore with observations on the commercial resources of the archipelago

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The Eastern seas, or, Voyages and adventures in the Indian Archipelago, in 1832-33-34 : comprising a tour of the Island of Java-visits to Borneo, the Malay Peninsula, Siam, etc; also an account of the present state of Singapore with observations on the commercial resources of the archipelago

Information About

The book is a record of the author's voyages to Java, Sourabaya, Sambas, Sinkawan, Siam, Trengganu, Singapore and other places in Southeast Asia. He describes the countries, their rich natural resources and commerce, the local population, like the Chinese, Malays and Dyaks and their customs, food and culture. There are also comments on the political and social situation, the adminstration of the Dutch and European influence on the local population. The last 3 chapters are on Singapore where the author spent 9 months. He relates the social, economic and religious situation then. Details include decriptions of the various ethnic groups and their enclaves, trade, adminstration and the general prosperity of Singapore.

Additional Details

Earl, George Windsor, 1813-1865
Southeast Asia--Description and travel
Singapore--Description and travel
Voyages and travels
W.H. Allen, 1837
National Library Board Singapore, 1837
Digital Description
application/pdf, ill.
Table of Contents
ch. I. Voyage from Western Australia to Java-Batavia -- ch. II. Sourabaya -- ch. III. Tour of Java -- ch. IV. Voyage from Java to Singapore -- ch. V. Voyage to Siam-Bankok -- ch. VI. Voyage down the east coast of the Malay peninsula-Tringanu -- ch. VII. Voyage to Borneo -- ch. VIII. Borneo-Dutch Colonies-Recent Discoveries-The Aborigines -- ch. IX. Visit to the gold mines, and to the capital of the Chinese colony -- ch. X. Sketch of the present state of Borneo, and recent discoveries in the interior -- ch. XI. Singapore -- ch. XII. Singapore -- ch. XIII. Singapore -- Appendix.
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