60 years : celebrating 6 decades of literary excellence

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60 years : celebrating 6 decades of literary excellence

Information About

A publication for the celebration of setting up of Angkatan Sasterawan '50 (Asas '50) for 6 decades. Asas '50 has been the forerunner in Malay literary scene making radical changes to the Malay language script and establishing institutions that now become icons to the development of Malay language and literature in the region.

Additional Details

ASAS 50 (Association)--Anniversaries, etc.
Singaporean literature (Malay)
National Library Board Singapore, 2010
Angkatan Sasterawan '50 (Asas '50), 2010
Mohamed Pitchay Gani Mohamed Abdul Aziz, 1967-
Muhammad Irwan Jamal
Norazian Mohamed Yahya
Digital Description
application/pdf, ill. (chiefly col.)
Table of Contents
Kata Presiden --The President speaks -- Foreword (Life President) -- Foreword (Patron) -- Messages -- Milestones -- Asas'50 in a nutshell -- A paradigm shift to engage new trends and challenges -- Founding of Asas'50 -- First Annual General Meeting -- Asas '50 First Exhibition -- Language and Literary Congress (Kongres Bahasa dan Persuratan) -- Literature Camp (Perkampungan Sastera) -- Literature Prize (Hadiah Sastera) -- Regional writers' meet -- The Southern Dialogue -- MOU With National Library Board -- The establishment of Asas '50 Youth Wing -- President Charity Gold Cup Award 36 55 Years Celebration - Towards Nationalizing Asas '50 -- READ!Singapore@Asas'50 -- MOU with Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak -- Quarterly newsletter - Surat Berita@Asas '50 -- Young Laureate Award - Anugerah Mas.
All rights reserved. Angkatan Sasterawan