Legal Deposit
The National Library safeguards the published heritage of Singapore. This is carried out through the deposit of materials published in Singapore under the National Library Board (NLB) Act (Chapter 197, No. 5 of 1995, Part II Section 10).
Known as Legal Deposit, it ensures that Singapore’s published heritage is collected, preserved for posterity and made accessible. It is an important function as it helps to keep knowledge and stories of our culture, our heritage, and our history alive for future generations of Singaporeans.

International Standard Numbers
ISN is a range of standardised international number that uniquely identifies a publication. It benefits and allows publishers, book suppliers and libraries worldwide to easily locate and order items.
The National Library serves as the ISN National Agency for Singapore and issues Singapore ISNs to materials published in Singapore by Singapore publishers.
What can I do in Deposit Portal?

Apply for International Standard Number (ISBN/ISSN/ISMN)

Apply for Cataloguing in Publication